Friday, February 16, 2007

Prayer of the dandelion

The prayer of the dandelion is to be a daisy.
Daisies stink

12" x 16" canvas sheet pencil watercolor pen&ink marker hand crushed minerals


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this piece, monsieur.

Dandleion wishes are blown your way on the wind for many other artistic masterpieces!


Anonymous said...

Nathan, all of them are yours, aren't they? i have to say that, i like your works so much..

Cloistervoices said...

I find this piece of art mesmerizing. It invites the observer to just keep looking at it and looking at it. It's a very impressive piece of work. And to think I was just following a Google search on the word "dandelion" and ended up here!

Nathan Henry said...

Thank you All

Nathan Henry said...

Thank you All